Horizon Pharmaceuticals

The healthiest and highest quality medicines



Performance chart
Fat / Water Loss:
Side effects:
Weight Gain:
Increased Appetite:
Improve libido:

Based on scientific conclusions reached via in-vitro research, GHRP 2 overall functionality is thought to be linked to powerful relationship to the pituitary gland, liver, stomach, as well as hypothalamus. The peptide GHRP 2 has exhibited a capacity to boost secretions from the pituitary’s somatotropic cells, while concurrently blocking somatostatin, therefore creating an assemblage in protein synthesis. It was also hypothesized that it would increase the production of IGF-1, which is a secretion that performs a crucial role in the growth and repair of muscular and skeletal tissue. Another theory was deduced that it would potentially promote the production of Ghrelin, which is an enzyme that stimulates the sensation of hunger. This effect is further increased via GHRP 2 s’ capacity to increase the hypothalamus’s perceived functions.

Scientific study based on in-vitro lab results have determined that GHRP-2 ’s vast ranging functionalities could hypothetically allow it to have benefits in a vast number of different ways. Because it was concluded that it has the potential to boost protein synthesis, it is theorized that the peptide could potentially produce an increased rate of muscle and tissue growth, a more efficient means of fat burning, boosted bone density, as well as a number of potential anti-inflammatory actions.

Reconstitution generally involves little calculation, but it is not rocket science. Let us make these calculations a little easy for you. The calculations though vary from individual to individual depending upon their goals and experiences.
The preferred method of calculation is reconstituting the 5 mg GHRP 2 vial with 2 ml sterile water or bacteriostatic water. A little tip here is to clean the top of the vial with an alcohol swab to remove any contamination from bacteria before reconstitution.

You have to inject the 2 ml water in the vial at a very slow pace and leaving it for the powder to absorb the water on its own. You have to be cautious and not to shake the vial for absorption and if still any powder remains unmixed, gradually turn the vial anti-clockwise, so that the remaining powder can get mixed evenly.

The reconstituted solution of GHRP 2 should always be refrigerated at around 8 degrees Celsius before and after its use. The solution should not be exposed to direct sunlight or heat as it can change the properties of the solution.Based on scientific conclusions reached via in-vitro research, GHRP 2 overall functionality is thought to be linked to powerful relationship to the pituitary gland, liver, stomach, as well as hypothalamus. The peptide GHRP 2 has exhibited a capacity to boost secretions from the pituitary’s somatotropic cells, while concurrently blocking somatostatin, therefore creating an assemblage in protein synthesis. It was also hypothesized that it would increase the production of IGF-1, which is a secretion that performs a crucial role in the growth and repair of muscular and skeletal tissue. Another theory was deduced that it would potentially promote the production of Ghrelin, which is an enzyme that stimulates the sensation of hunger. This effect is further increased via GHRP 2 s’ capacity to increase the hypothalamus’s perceived functions.

Scientific study based on in-vitro lab results have determined that GHRP-2 ’s vast ranging functionalities could hypothetically allow it to have benefits in a vast number of different ways. Because it was concluded that it has the potential to boost protein synthesis, it is theorized that the peptide could potentially produce an increased rate of muscle and tissue growth, a more efficient means of fat burning, boosted bone density, as well as a number of potential anti-inflammatory actions.

Reconstitution generally involves little calculation, but it is not rocket science. Let us make these calculations a little easy for you. The calculations though vary from individual to individual depending upon their goals and experiences.
The preferred method of calculation is reconstituting the 5 mg GHRP 2 vial with 2 ml sterile water or bacteriostatic water. A little tip here is to clean the top of the vial with an alcohol swab to remove any contamination from bacteria before reconstitution.

You have to inject the 2 ml water in the vial at a very slow pace and leaving it for the powder to absorb the water on its own. You have to be cautious and not to shake the vial for absorption and if still any powder remains unmixed, gradually turn the vial anti-clockwise, so that the remaining powder can get mixed evenly.
The reconstituted solution of GHRP 2 should always be refrigerated at around 8 degrees Celsius before and after its use. The solution should not be exposed to direct sunlight or heat as it can change the properties of the solution.

Biotechnological company Horizon-science is an international innovative company that unites a world-class research and development center, modern pharmaceutical and biotechnological production, preclinical and international clinical studies in compliance with contemporary standards. Horizon-science is one of the few companies in the world of a complete cycle of drugs production: from detecting molecules to mass production and marketing support. The drugs are designed to treat the most complex diseases, such as cancer, HIV, hepatitis, multiple sclerosis, etc.

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